Rolin S Henry, DDS,PC

7900 Andrus Road #2, Alexandria, Virginia, 22306, United States of America
Phone – 703-780-4422 | Email ID –

2112 F Street NW, Suite #304, Washington, DC 20037
Tel: 202-296-2023 / Email ID –

After exposing and Bracketing

After Exposing & Bracketing

You can expect a limited amount of bleeding from the surgical sites after surgery. Although there will be some discomfort after surgery at the surgical sites, most patients find Motrin or Advil (ibuprofen) to be more than adequate to manage any pain they may have. Within two to three days after surgery there is usually little need for any medication at all.

There may be some swelling from holding the lip up to visualize the surgical site; it can be minimized by applying ice packs to the lip for the afternoon after surgery. Bruising is not uncommon exposing and bracketing of teeth.

A soft, bland diet is recommended at first, but you may resume your normal diet as soon as you feel comfortable chewing. It is advised that you avoid sharp food items like crackers and chips as they will irritate the surgical site if they jab the wound during initial healing.

You should plan to see your orthodontist within 1-14 days to activate the eruption process by applying the proper rubber band to the chain on your tooth. Call Dr. Henry at 703-780-4422 if you have any questions.